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Allegations Against Government Candidate, Quinn Lillegard-Marino

Updated: Aug 17

Ah, the next cycle of citizens who think they can change the government begins yet again. We see this every few months: everyone thinks they’ll be better than the last set of biased citizens who want power just to help themselves or their closed circle. I’m just looking forward to finally seeing Lucas Evans get removed from office, as I’m sure we’re all fed up with their very obviously Police focused bills that make everyone’s life miserable. I mean, have you seen another State Rep put out so many controversial bills in a single term before?

That’s one side of the many issues with our State Reps and Governor Candidates. Another side has been posted today on yet another anonymous website that showcases comments and concerns on the new Government candidate Quinn Lillegard-Marino currently at the debates. This very long post is quoted from the website [] by former State Representative Maxine Finch. I should add that Maxine does not own that website, but is simply a commenter. With that said, here it is:

The very bottom of the post finishes with this comment from the website owners:

“Because of the state of this city. We want it to be known Maxine has NOTHING to do with our website other than leaving her comment. She does not deserve any sort of harassment or hatred for sharing her story. Again, Maxine, we are so sorry that you had to suffer through all this. We hope you remain safe.”


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