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Barbant-McKenzie Campaign Announcement & Interview

BROTHER JEREMY IS RUNNING FOR GOVERNOR!!! We're not excited, we're unbiased and strictly professional, hold up got confused with Shout/Weazel News I apologise. But could you imagine, a monk as our next Governor? Now that'd be a sight to see, mandatory Sunday service attendance, Bolingbrook converted into a monastery to rehabilitate criminals, Sapphire Falls Vineyard starts importing Buckfast Tonic Wine? (Becks, please import this shit it's the bomb!). Well we don't really know what Brother Jeremy or his Lt Governor pick Wyatt Mckenzies plans are yet, not due to any fault of their own, just the way the election cycle works in San Andreas (they can say they're running, just not any of their plans). Last night the hopeful pair held an event at Black Hawk Coffee Co and gave the following announcement.

After the announcement, we managed to nab Brother Jeremy and Wyatt to ask them a few gritty questions to try and get the answers to some of the most important topics of the upcoming campaign.

What are their policies, who else is standing, what about state reps? We don't bloody know, as soon as we get a hold of any of the other candidates from either race, we'll give em the Useless treatment and give you the scoop! Till then peeps, stay Useless San Andreas!

*Editorial Note For Gov/Rep Candidates;

The Barbant-McKenzie campaign reached out to Shout, Weazel and ourselves via the government website to invite us to their event. We've contacted both the Shelby-Shelby campaign and the Tot & Finn-Falls campaigns and are yet to secure a date. If we've haven't reached out or missed your nomination, please get in touch, we are available on the government website, email or phone/text. Interviews such as this are free of charge however we do have paid for ad space available should you want to beef up your campaign! Don't be a stranger, get in touch.

1 Comment

2 days ago

As much as I think the Monk will make a good Governor I am still a firm believer of separation of church and state.

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