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From You, 7 Days Ago

Updated: Aug 17

I’ve always loved writing quick little articles without many buzzwords to fill in the text, but I’ve usually saved those as a quick Yeeter post for entertainment. Instead, I’ve decided to post a little compilation of things that have happened in the past week (Or two weeks, I’m very lazy). Probably won’t be a regular thing, but we’ll see!

Legislature Puts Out Press Release On The… Press?

On the recent issue of Stella’s Scoops Volume 58, Stella writes about Artemis Blackthorne’s resignation from the Secretary of the Legislature position. She gave a brief but concise report on the details surrounding the resignation, but State Representative Joanna Poole did not seem to agree with everything that Stella Day wrote. On Tuesday, February 20th, a Government Press Release was issued regarding Stella Scoops Volume 58, specifically the Blackthorne resignation section. You can read the entire Legislature Press Release here:

Poole explains how much the Secretary of State is paid and how their paychecks work. Reading the press release, it seems that Poole had an issue with the wording that Stella used in her article, as she seems to have mistaken Secretary of State and Secretary of the Legislature as the same thing. I’ll be honest, I don’t know the difference, especially since both positions are empty. But it seems to have been an honest mistake that could have been handled in the comment section of Stella’s article, or even a quick text, not a full length press release.

The Speaker of the House also mentions how they made a mistake on H.R. 313, putting down an incorrect payment value and having to correct it later on when the bill was already published for review several days later. I don’t seem to remember a press release regarding this error. Towards the end of the press release, Poole went on to say: “While we advocate for free press in the State of San Andreas and believe the media is a powerful tool to keep citizens informed, we believe that Ms. Day made an honest and understandable mistake. The law is sometimes difficult to understand and we hope that this press release only helps to serve as a clarification so that the public does not read and believe that Artemis Blackthorne or any other Representative had ill intent or did something “shady” at the expense of the people we serve.”

As this is a direct response to Stella Scoops Volume 58, I would expect the response to have some sort of relation to Stella’s article, but nowhere in her article does she state or even imply that Artemis Blackthorne or any State Rep had any ill intentions or did anything “shady” or illegal. Furthermore, this press release was issued to correct the “false information” that Stella put out, but I would like to bring attention to the type of words that she used specifically in the sentence that Joanna Poole quoted: “Since this resignation from the ex-Secretary of Legislature became effective basically in the middle of the month, do they have to return like 50% of $40,000 for February for doing half the job, or does the new salary start in March since it was signed after the 1st of the month?” Stella uses indefinite words such as “basically” and “like,” creating a casual conversation-like read for the viewers, which is very normal for Stella Scoops. She ends it off with a question, showing that she is not quite sure how it works and left it up for someone more knowledgeable on such details to answer. But hey, I’m glad we’re finally getting Government Press Releases sent out so quickly now!

Explosive Protest At VPD

On Monday night, a protest over the use of K-9 units was organized in front of Vinewood Police Department. Some participants called for the release of Police Dogs, others said give the K-9s kevlar vests, another even said to give the dogs the right to vote. No one seemed to agree on what to protest, however, their energy gained the attention of the undersheriff and his posse, and they came to see what all the commotion was about. The chaos didn’t end with the Police, though, as a man drove his motorcycle into the protesters’ parked mopeds, causing several explosions and injuring 4 people. It’s believed that the protest was organized by Maxine Finch, but she claims no responsibility for the injuries or endangerment to anyone that was on scene.

New News Featured in the News

Shout! Shout! Let it all out! These are the things I can do without, come on. Have you heard of Shout News yet? It’s a fresh, brand new company created by Harry Kennedy and Becks Lawson all about, you guessed it, news stories. I’ve had the chance to work with them on a few articles and after speaking with them for hours on end, I can tell they are really passionate about journalism and I can’t wait to see more from them. I have to say, I love Harry Kennedy’s video editing style with the quick but detailed clips that give you all the information straight to the point. Here’s a link to their site, so be sure to bookmark it!

Gang Gang! Mirror Park Scrubs!!

Photo Credit: Anonymous

Mirror Park was found trashed and destroyed in the early hours of Tuesday, February 20th. Garbage trucks scattered about, trash found filled in the lake, and even cars were dumped into the water. It seems the area has been going downhill lately, with it even being regarded as “the new southside” by one resident. Graffiti was sprayed in several areas in blue and green text, saying “Gang gang! mirror park scrubs!!” With the recent uptick in crimes reported in Mirror Park, as well as the trashed scenery, we expect the housing market to drop to slightly above what southside houses currently go for. We’re currently investigating this (As we know no official department ever does) and we’ll report back soon with a full-scale article. We’re also hoping to work with Shout News and collaborate on an article together on this topic, so stay tuned for more!

Photo Credit: Anonymous

Lint Eaters Unite?

Have you ever found pocket lint laying around San Andreas? Maybe you keep a bit in your back pocket to trade to the raccoons? Well apparently there are people that consider it a delicacy. An anonymous source called us to give us the inside scoop on a genuine lint eater. They wanted us to know that State Trooper Owen Hunter allegedly enjoys eating pocket lint on a daily basis. Now while we find that quite weird, we definitely wouldn’t put it past him!

To You, 7 Days From Now

As we come to a close for this episode of “From You, 7 Days Ago” I’d like to take a moment to remind everyone to never sell drugs on a gang’s turf and always check your back for cops! In all seriousness, be careful out there guys as there are people that’ll shoot you if you’re just standing in the entrance of a clothing store. Never let your guard down, and always remember your 5th amendment rights when talking to cops! We’re looking forward to seeing what the community has planned this week, so feel free to spam my texts or emails and we’ll see if we can get your story featured next week (Or in like 2 months if I forget to make the second episode).


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