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Local Woman Possible Hamster?

Local woman, Bellarosa Muratori, has been called many a times in the last days (at time of writing) with people claiming she is a hamster. Even while helping fix her car, she had gotten one of these phone calls. The person with her, Ari (sorry if it's spelt wrong), agreed with the person on the phone that Bellarosa might in fact be a hamster. They even went as far as to say something about putting Bellarosa "into a ball." I had to of course test the waters and include myself that Bellarosa could always be put into one of those inflatable balls and set free on the water, just to test the legitimacy of those around her's claims. To my surprise, she agreed that, just for me, we could put her into a giant ball.

Not long after Bellarosa turned to Y. formerly Yeeter, to continue to talk about people referring to her as a hamster. After some time, she seemed to cave to the allegations, playing into them.

In my personal opinion, Bellarosa would make a great hamster. She is often running around, entertaining herself, and some might go as far as to claim she can give soft hugs. What do you think?

Do you think Bellarosa Muratori is a hamster?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Maybe

  • I'm not a hamster!

1 Comment

2 days ago

Okay, sure. Maybe I enjoy sunflower seeds a little more than the next gal. And yes, I am small and soft. That doesn't mean I'll run on a wheel all night! Unless...

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