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LSPD and Its ‘Selective’ Approach To The Animal Community

Updated: Aug 17

From late October of 2023, LSPD have been using K-9s in response to petty criminals. We appreciate seeing more of the demographic of the animal community joining the ranks of LSPD, however, one must ponder as to why the abundance of dogs is being ‘selected’. Now does a dog have the highest speed?

Dogs have an initial speed of travelling up to 15-20 miles per hour, however, compared to an animal such as a Rabbit which passes at a speed of 30 miles per hour, it doesn’t quite stack up to the challenge. Some hares/rabbits can even reach up to 45 miles per hour, doubling the speed of a dog. Now we see that rabbits can vastly run faster than the dog, let’s see what other members of the animal community can do.

Pigeons can fly even though they’re already hired by the government to not only keep tabs on the citizens of Los Santos, it could help further reduce the carbon emissions being produced by the Police using helicopters.

We asked members of the Public some questions of how they could improve the role said role of being a ‘service animal.’ To quote Bazil Bertstien, “I’d remove them as they are filthy mutts with fleas who shag the door and chairs and shit on the floor, I’d kick that little fuck… off the force.” Seems many members of the public feel outraged by how only dogs are selected as it is known by all that dogs do carry fleas and cannot control where they defecate.

Another civilian said: “I’d slobber on the seats so that the criminals who are arrested will feel uncomfortable and will not want to continue committing said crimes.” This’ll be a good deterrent for criminals as dogs carry diseases that date back into the pre-historic era (Source – Trust me bro). Furthermore, we’d hope to see this be put into play as this’ll possibly make a drop in crime, turning Los Santos into a crime-free place.


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