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Scandalous Bill? Brake Checking (Public) Services And Possible Consequences

Who did not once or twice accidentally drive a little bit faster than the speed limit would have allowed, because the song playing on Euphoric FM was a total banger or one was too late for a date? You get stopped by the police, get a fine – rightfully so – and learn your lesson. At least for a few days. But what if your job requires you to be at places within a certain time?

Have you ever read the Bill Bill H.R.235 – Traffic Code? Sounds dry, I know. I have read this bill before, but I have to admit that I didn´t fully read through the pending proposed amendment.

But while wrecking/doing booty workout deep in the mines of San Andreas, I met Missy. We got into a conversation about how to make money on the right side of the law. She told me about all her jobs and got very passionate about it.

“It is an insult to everybody who wants to make a living with public services”, Missy said. “Without us trash collectors, tow truckers and power washers the state would drown in piss, puke and rats!”

On asking her to elaborate, she said: “Look, I moved to this state a few weeks ago. I myself and most of the people I got to know are doing all the public jobs that keep a society running. You think grabbing trash is a relaxing job? I tell you what: If I don´t pick up the trash in time, the rat population explodes. And by the way, they are all high AF, they eat all the drugs in the trash. Or power washing? We only get called to jobs that local janitors don´t want to do, like getting rid of puke puddles at the university. Ever smelled that? What do you think happens to that puddle over time in the broad sunlight?” Missy also expressed her worries for Brenda, who is giving out power washing jobs and is already a chain smoker. “Soon she will smoke two cigs at once. Who is gonna take responsibility for her lung cancer?”

Credits: Missy (Full legal name not disclosed)

In fact, if the proposed bill will pass, these are the amendments that would come to effect immediately (quote):

“Title: Commercial Vehicle Modifier Definition: The driving of a Commercial Or Government Vehicle such as Tow Truck, Garbage Truck, Delivery Truck, Semi Truck, or any other non-personal or personal vehicle used for Commercial Or Government Business shall be subject to two times (2x) the times and fines described by the Misdemeanours and Felonies and/or Citations and Infractions below.” (Note: The commercial vehicle modifier is already in effect. This bill proposes the new government vehicle modifier below.)

Meaning, everybody doing public jobs that are essential for a functioning society are getting fined double, although the often working under time pressure and, in Missy´s words “keep the f***ing streets clean and the machinery running.”

We all know how annoying it can be to wait for a private package, that “will be delivered between 7am to 7pm”, but you have to be there to give your signature. Or you just don´t want it to be deposited outside your house because someone could steal it. This also applies for private delivery companies, who keep other private businesses running.

There is also a section for Government Vehicles (quote):

“Title: Government Vehicle Modifier Definition: The driving of a non-personal or personal Government Vehicle used for Government Business shall be subject to two times (2x) the times and fines described by the Misdemeanours and Felonies and/or Citations and Infractions below.”

“I was stranded in Sandy Shores once and had to call Public Works”, Missy rants. “Believe me, that is not a place you want to wait around for too long. No matter if it´s day or night. The Coyotes are your least problem out there.”

So I ask you, dear readers and people of San Andreas: Why should those, who sacrifice their sense of smell, stem the rat plague, tow cars before they explode or deliver goods, and those who come to rescue or protect you – and risk being fined anyways for doing their jobs a bit faster than they are officially allowed to – why should they be punished by being fined double as much as anybody else?

Missy chose not to speak to the government about her concerns “I am honestly demotivated. I come her, want to build me a live and get greeted with punishment”, Missy said. “I´ll probably go back to Liberty City for awhile and keep myself updated on that monstrosity.”

If you think the already signed in law should get changed or the amendment should not get signed in, this is your chance. Reach out to the Governor or to the remaining State Representatives. You will find the State Reps on your Phone on the Fed Finder App (Legislative Branch). You can also find a list of our current Government Members on the Government Website if you prefer to email them.

The proposed amendment and the Government Website are linked on the desktop version of this article. If you read this article on your phone (and/or are sometimes having trouble finding things on the government website), this is how you get there: Bill H.R.235 Traffic Code: Government of San Andreas – Legislature – Bills Signed into Law – Proposed Bills – Archive Proposed amendment: Government of San Andreas – Legislature – Bills Signed into Law – Proposed Bills San Andreas State Government Roster: Government of San Andreas – State Government

You can also get information about submitted bills at the Los Santos City Hall. Posters are displayed, including QR-Codes to the website. There are a handful more bills pending. Give them a read and use your voice!

And feel free to reach out to Useless News if there is something you think the public should talk about!


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