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Tamworth (Worth More Than You Think!)

Updated: Aug 18

Sticker price on a Tamworth is only $1,250

Yet another poor bastard has their prized car collection auctioned off at one of Knight Imports blind auctions, as always drawing a sizeable crowd of people, hoping to save thousands on their next addition to their car collection and some, (such as our very own David) who paid way over the sticker price for what many would consider a starter car!

Rune Ajvar sticker price of $1.5k

David ended up buying a Rune Ajvar for $4k; way over the $1.5k sticker price, citing;

"It's supporting the Communist party, so as long as they keep importing stuff here I'm ok with it." - David Melbourne

*Useless News does not support or endorse the Communist Party, David's views on politics are those of his own, here at Useless News we don't discriminate on political beliefs; no matter how flawed the concept is in practice.*

While I was inside the auction, David was outside giving his take on the event, as usual he had little to offer in terms of an opinion (he got distracted with Mirror Park Tavern's food truck);

However, he did manage to wrangle an interview with the Auctioneer himself, Christian from Knight Imports;

David later found a pair of cyclist, who claimed to be "protesting in style" on their bikes, unhappy with the distinct lack of push bikes available at the auctions. Link had an interesting take on some of the attendees of the auction;

"If you spending 6gs on a car worth $1,250, then you just a dumbass" - Link Jordins

Overall, as usual, plenty of people walked away happy after saving literal thousands on high end cars, compared to paying the sticker price at their respective dealerships. We'd like to thank Knight Imports and Mirror Park Tavern for their hospitality.


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