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Testing Turned Tragedy!

A few days ago we had the pleasure of partaking in the first Useless News Car Benchmark!

Bill wanted to Benchmark the new RUNE Nara from Mosley's by having a bunch of them go up Chiliad. He said something about sticking it up to Deborah from HR. Sometimes it's best you just nod and let him have his ramblings; I didn't even know we had an HR department!

Spoiler alert, they're not powerful enough to even get over the first obstacle! So then we promptly decided to take a different route, as Plan B. That spectacularly failed, with Deep's car being sent into the nearest ditch, despite bystanders surprisingly cheering us on.

Introduce, Plan C! We go a much flatter road towards Grapeseed and we figure it out from there. What could go wrong, we thought. So we decided to meet in front of Handlebar Haven, a convenient spot for several cars to all park. I beat everyone else there, firmly affirming that I am a better driver than Bill (sorry Bill!) and waited for the others.

When they arrived, tragedy struck! I am unsure of what exactly happened, it happened in but an instant, but the gods must've been displeased with our tomfoolery, as one of our support vehicles (a convenient BF Bifta) exploded and took five of us with it! I managed to stay standing on my own two feet (as opposed to someone else's) and I called 911. I was initially told to self transport, though I was somewhat puzzled as, well, I sure didn't have the appropriate car to transport five injured people, but luckily I heard sirens! I was hoping on a boo-boo bus but, three BCSO officers arrived. "Sufficient, I'll take it!" I thought. So, while they patched up my friends enough to transport them, I had to hold in my laughter and explain what happened.

After everyone was patched up, they got loaded up (like the filthy criminals, I mean perfectly nice people they are) into the PD Cruisers, where I then snapped this masterpiece, a picture of our boss getting arrested on fraud charges (luckily this time we're joking) in the back of a cop car.

After being taken to Sandy Medical, we managed to gather our thoughts, and we decided to (after we got up to some shenanigans with some other passerby's in a sketchy camper van) head for some Hot Dogs over at Dirty Dogs (Not Sponsored, but check them out their dogs are amazing). Not before I could snap this absolutely golden picture of my Boss eating shit while fighting an annoyed local, though!


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