That's right people, it's time for everyone's favourite event of the month politics with our State Representative, Governor and government departments. Time to get those burning questions ready that you've built up over the past four weeks or however long since the last one (we can't remember and can't be bothered to do the research).
We'll be there, along with the rest of the press pool including those wonderful Weazels and those saucy buggers over at Shout News (probably going to be Becks Lawson carrying the team; don't mess with her, she's defiantly hench in the world of journalism). They as usual will be asking all the important and civilised questions that are extremely important and professional, which are to be expected from such prestigious outlets such as theirs. "Bill, why the fuck are you going then ya silly bint?!" I hear you cry, never fear, Useless is here! We want to hear your questions for the government and we'll ask as many as we can in order of the amount of votes YOU give them below or until the Government have enough of our tomfoolery and ask us to be quiet. That's right, YOUR questions, with the top ones voted by YOU! Useless questions could range from;
"Who are your top three favourite groups in the state?" - For the Governor
If that wasn't controversial enough for you, how about?
"Are you only hiring friends and family, rather than people based on their ability and skillset?" - For Public Works
You suggest, you decide, your questions!
*Unfortunately &/or understandably we cannot and will not ask any questions that would result in any of our staff being deported from the state, whilst amusing the Federal Government sets limits which we all need to follow. Or don't score yourself a free one way ticket to Cuba on the taxpayers dime!