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5 Fun Activities You Don’t Know About

Updated: Aug 17

Welcome back to Useless News! Today we’re straying away from our usual news coverage to showcase something our team has been hard at work on: a list of 5 activities you (probably) didn’t know about. Plus all these activities can be enjoyed with as many friends as you want! We’ll start off with more known activities and move onto something more obscure as the list goes on.

5. Hunting and Fishing

We decided to list these both together as they are very similar in nature, but hunting and fishing are both heavily looked over activities! With fishing, all you need is a nice beginner fishing rod and a cool, relaxing place to call your own fishing hole. You can even invite your friends along! Have yourself a competition on who can catch the most fish in 10 minutes, or see who can catch a rare fish first. With rivers, lakes, oceans and even deep sea boat fishing, there’s so much to do! You can even make some nice money if you decide to sell the fish, or make you and your friends some amazing meals with it! (More on that next.)

Hunting can also be a great way to spend your day whether you decide to head into nature solo, or with a group of friends, it’s never too early or too late to start. But first and foremost, you need to get your gun license from any Police department, then you are eligible to get a hunting license from the Rangers. This allows you to purchase one of the two hunting rifles that are sold at every gun store in Los Santos. You can even use a shotgun to hunt if that’s your fancy, just be sure to acquire a shotgun license from a registered gun store employee first! With that out of the way, you can start hunting deer, rabbits, coyotes, birds and even boars! Skin the big game you hunt to get that meat and make a bit of money back from hunting, get good at skinning so you can start selling high quality pelts to collectors. And remember, the more friends, the more fun it gets!

4. Cooking

Cooking sounds basic right? But cooking can be very satisfying, especially if you can figure out a great meal recipe all on your own. You only need a food prep table and an oven (or stove) to create a masterpiece of a meal, and the most basic apartment has all of those! Start by heading to the grocery store and picking up supplies you’ll need, then head back and get to work. Remember the fish and meat you got earlier? Well you can turn those into great meals! Fish and chips, bubble n’ squeak, both are great examples of food you can start making yourself.

3. Foraging

Have you ever been down to the swamps of the Zancudo river? It’s a great place to hunt, hike and even camp! But did you know the bushes here can have all kinds of goodies? That’s right! Forage those bushes for strawberries, raspberries, and all kinds of fruits and vegetables! You’ll never know what you get from these bushes. Sometimes you might just find some trash hiding in them, so why not give back to nature and clean up the trash from our great Zancudo river trails?

2. Tubing

Tubing is a fun sport for everyone around San Andreas. All you need is a beach tube and a tall hill, boom you got yourself an enjoyable sport. Climb up a tall hill, get a running start and then jump on your beach tube. Slide all the way down! As usual invite your friends to join you and create tubing races!

1. Dowsing

I’ve met many people who have never tried dowsing or never even heard of it. Sometimes you’ll find these weird electronic dowsing devices around the state, or maybe you purchased one from the electronics store. These are used to find little treasures hidden around in the dirt and sand. Grab some friends, head to some grassy lands or the desert in sandy and start searching for some shinies!

That’s it for now. We’ll see if we can find anything more fun for everyone to enjoy in the future!


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