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The HFS Car Show: It’s not always about luxury

Car show, music, food and a one-of-one car raffle, what more could you ask for in a large scale event here at the Los Santos docks? Today the HFS Tuner Shop on Signal Street had a massive car show with an even larger turnup.

HFS Event Poster

Cars from sedans to supers lined up across the docks awaiting the judges to make the tough decision to choose what they believed was the best overall looking car that showed up. At the same time, live music and catering helped everyone wait patiently.

Credit: Mak Calhoun

Everyone that entered the car show brought their finest cars. Some seemed as if they simply brought their most expensive car. Others, like the owner of this Imponte DF8-90, brought what they believe is actually cool… and our team at Useless News agrees that this car should have been the best pick.

Credit: Mak Calhoun

While this beauty of a car didn’t win the contest, it definitely won our hearts. But onto the real (fake) winner, our very own Useless News Producer and 2nd-in-command of the Edgerunners Johnathan Cox! When we were first writing this article, we had no idea who would win and anticipated patiently. Now that we know it’s him, we’re disappointed. The Imponte should have won… But congratulations to him either way! The blacked out Vigero Rumbler won first place, with the Peyote Custom coming in second place, and the ZR-250 in third. With these cars coming in 1st, 2nd and 3rd, it really shows that price and luxury doesn’t always win. Keep that in mind for next time everyone!

1st Place Johnathan Cox (Credit: Charlie Marlow)

2nd Place Bazil Bertstien (Credit: Charlie Marlow)

3rd Place Veronica Mossberg (Credit: Charlie Marlow)

As for the One-of-One Jester RR widebody, the raffle was drawn after the show with Jake Scott winning the car. I would say congratulations, but they weren’t around to claim the prize. The car was raffled again two more times with both people still not around. Finally, the car went to the multimillionaire car enthusiast Marco Firenze after 4 draws. Congratulations for winning the Jester RR widebody!

Jester RR Widebody raffle winner Marco Firenze (Credit: Charlie Marlow)

Top left to bottom right: Johnathan Cox, Marco Firenze, Veronica Mossberg, Bazil Bertstien (Credit: Charlie Marlow)

Everyone brought out great cars and it was a pleasure to be able to view each of them. We couldn’t get photos of every vehicle, but here’s a few we managed to capture:

Credit: Mak Calhoun

Credit: Aiden Clancy

We would like to thank HFS Tuner Shop for putting together this amazing event and Charlie Marlow for giving us these great photos, as well as everyone else that helped put the event together!

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