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Breaking News: Skinners Unlawfully Raided by SWAT

Updated: Aug 17

Today on November 4th, we heard news about The Skinners being raided by multiple swat vans and decided to go watch. We teamed up with our press friends from the Tans on scene to gather photos on the situation. When pulling up to a safe distance to capture pictures, 3 officers drove up to us and aimed shotguns at us, all while we had our hands up. They told us we have to leave, we explained to them we had a right to be there as we were press filming for the public. After yelling freedom of press to them, they immediately tried to claim we were lying and are not press, then said we’ll be arrested if we don’t leave the area. Once they confirmed our press identity, they backed off and didn’t harass us further. This is another example of the Police assuming everyone is guilty of crimes just because of the colours they wear.

We wondered why they wanted press gone so bad and didn’t even want us anywhere in the area filming. It was not until a few hours later that we received a message from an anonymous Skinners member telling us of the situation. They showed us the warrant document, which we will post both a screenshot and a link to the document sent to us here:

This warrant expired November 3rd at 11:59 PM Eastern Time, meaning when they executed this search warrant at approximately 6:00 PM Eastern Time, the warrant was already expired. They unlawfully conducted this search, violating their Third Amendment right. All their possessions have been seized, all their vehicles are seized as well and reportedly will be crushed. Is this week government corruption week?


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