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Jay Lamb Poser?

To be completely honest, we were only able to get this comment from the elusive Jay Lamb as I was arrested for being a little gremlin and had some things on me that I shouldn't however... fuck me was it worth it to get a comment from the one, the only Jay fucking Lamb ladies and gentlemen! During processing at Mission Row PD, to my surprise who slithers out of their hole, none other than Jay Lamb. I took this opportunity to ask some pressing questions and answer some of your comments from our pervious article. The ever modest Lamb appeared to be unaware of his recent stardom when informed of his antics where he spotted our reporters on the scene of a shootout at the Venetian where he turned for our cameras to show off what looked like a grenade launcher on his back!

Our ever diligent reporters, along with those from Shout News as always, asked for comment on the scene, to keep you the great people of San Andreas informed of the developing story and reassure you that the situation was under control. Unfortunately, all of the agencies present refused to comment, apart from one Ranger (who confirmed the Rangers are indeed the best law enforcement agency in the state!).

We dubbed the above image "Jay 'Rambo' Lamb", however your comments that came flooding in were distinctly lacking surprise of Lamb's heavy weaponry and more interested in the tightness of his trousers. Leading many to ask the question, Is Jay Lamb a poser?

Now, back to our informative discussion with the man himself, on our way to a holding cell in Mission Row PD. We'd like to clarify;

"Sir it's a smoke launcher, you didn't check the facts before you decided to say that." - Jay Lamb

Raising the multiple points we asked for comments through the scene in question, we made it clear, without comment, we can only go off of what we see and hear. Lamb remarked "I wonder why [LEO don't give comment]" something that if he'd like to clear up we'd be more than happy to add his answer to in this article, as ourselves, Shout News and Weazel News would all like to know why, they refuse to give comment for the people of the state (I'm pretty sure it's in the publics interest!).

Approaching the allegation head on, we asked Lamb;

"People had a lot of comments to say about your derriere, you looked at us in the camera and then you turned around to show off your launcher." - Bill Smith

Jay Lamb's response leaves more questions than answers...

"I wasn't showing off the grenade launcher sir" - Jay Lamb

Earlier in the conversation Lamb claimed the launcher was a smoke launcher... now he refers to it as a "grenade launcher"... maybe our eagle eyed reporters were correct all along, he was on scene with a high explosive launcher, ready to deliver justice on the roof of a local business.

Is this Jay Lamb's good side?

More importantly than excessive use of force from this officer, we want to know. If Jay Lamb wasn't showing off the grenade launcher, what was he trying to show off... what was his plan... our assumption, Jay 'Rambo' Lamb is nothing more than Jay 'Poser' Lamb. At least if he's kicked off the force for instance (an example, not an accusation) using excessive force, breaching endangering innocent hostages, he may have a successful career as a model with a local photography company or maybe even using his recent stardom to become a dancer at one of our local clubs such as Vanilla Unicorn or Purple Fantasy (not a sponsor).


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