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Police Chase Bugstars Van, ends in shootout

Updated: Aug 17

Today, Useless News was flying around in the new helicopter, Useless One, flown by our talented resident pilot Douglas Calhoun. We were practicing mid-air manoeuvres for when we are filming chases, and we noticed that cops were seemingly staking out the houses in Mirror Park.

State Trooper staking out the houses (Credit: Mak Calhoun)

We decided to hover around the area to see if anything interesting happened, and sure enough it did. We saw a Bugstars Pest Control van sitting in the parking lane of a house at Mirror Park with police pulling up to it. One of the officers got into the driver’s side of the van and seemed to check for any identifications inside. Once out, they aimed their pistols towards the front door of the home, where we believe they called for anyone inside to step out.

Officers aiming towards the front door (Credit: Mak Calhoun)

After a few moments, an individual dressed in a red jumpsuit, white hard hat and a orange work vest stepped out of the front door. They were holding a pest control pump sprayer before putting it up and raising their hands above their head.

Officer aiming at suspect (Credit: Mak Calhoun)

We’re unsure of what words were exchanged, but suddenly the pest control started running away towards the road, where officers followed with gun in hand.

Suspect begins running from police officer (Credit: Mak Calhoun)

After a quick 15 second chase around on foot, the suspect entered the Bugstars van and started the engine. The officer on foot walked in front of the van as it was in motion. They were struck and flung a few feet away from the vehicle.

Officer struck by vehicle (Credit: Mak Calhoun)

The Police officer that was struck by the vehicle quickly got up and back into their truck to pursue the Bugstars van. The State Trooper on scene immediately began doing pit manoeuvres against the van without backup.

Officer rams Bugstars van (Credit: Mak Calhoun)

The van spun out of control after the State Trooper rammed it sideways on the road. It seemed like it stalled out but quickly started up again and drove through multiple alleyways, even losing the State Trooper for a few moments before coming back into view. Other Police officers came to the State Trooper’s side as backup during the chase and the van attempted to off-road on the beach, which showed no results in aiding their escape.

The Bugstars van attempts to off-road (Credit: Mak Calhoun)

The suspect attempts to flee towards Legion Square when cops started firing at the vehicle, striking at least 2 of the 4 tires and popping them. The driver of the Bugstars van kept driving into legion, continuously spinning out of control until both the State Trooper and another officer both rammed the vehicle, causing it to flip multiple times and smash into a building sideways. The suspect got on top of their now overturned van and jumped onto the roof of Chihuahua Dogs as officers followed quickly behind.

With guns trained on the suspect, they put their hands in the air and surrendered, where they were put into cuffs and promptly arrested.

Suspect arrested and in cuffs (Credit: Mak Calhoun)

The suspect was walked back to the officer’s vehicle and placed inside, where they would then be taken down to the Police Station.

This post is sponsored by Calhoun Convenience


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