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Police Stand-Off Cut-Off by Reckless Driver

Updated: Aug 17

Yesterday, a Twitter user by the name of Lucas White posted several tweets about a new movie being recorded at the grocery store in Mirror Park.

Obviously very suspicious of this, our team decided to head over and get a look for ourselves, and sure enough it was a movie! For us, at least. But unfortunately in reality, what was going on was an active hostile situation between three individuals and the Police, both sides armed with class 2 shotguns and pistols. Spectators looked on from a safe distance across the street with no clue as to what was happening, even Black Lotus MC had no idea what was going on as I asked for comment from them.

From a distance, we could see that at least three armed individuals have a State Trooper hostage and at gunpoint, then the person in the multiple colored outfit and took off their shirt and put a Police vest on. From there, traffic became backed up and created much more cover for both parties.

They let the officer go and the suspects quickly hopped on their separate off-road vehicles where the Police gave chase. We attempted to get a statement from the Police on what happened on this public road in this public neighbourhood, but we were unfortunately told “Nothing to worry about.” Thankfully the kind State Trooper decided to give us a statement, as well as the Fudge Lane Defender himself, Daniel McFall.

Daniel McFall: “This policeman got caught, as they say on the streets, ‘lacking’ and was taken hostage… I just happened to drive by and it’s the most interesting thing I’ve seen in Mirror Park for a while so I figured I’d stop and like, look.”

Unnamed State Trooper: “All I can say is I was taking a comfort break and somebody decided they were gonna hold me up while I was deep in thought. That’s all I can really say, nothing exciting unfortunately.”

My crew drove off to get into our news helicopter, Useless, and attempt to find the chase. We flew around for a while until we found them on Route 68 crashed out with one of the suspects incapacitated.

All 4 tires were completely gone on the suspect’s off-road buggy, leading us to believe either spike strips were deployed, or even Law Enforcement shooting the tires out. Supporting evidence for the latter theory is the fact that nearly all the glass is missing from the other police cars and what looks to be two bullet holes on the right side of the suspect’s orange vehicle. There was no sign of the other two suspects in the area.

While we were hovering above for photographs, three sports cars came barreling through the situation. The driver of the green Paragon R could not control the vehicle and began swerving to avoid the traffic buildup, finally flipping over and crashing out. Good news is that the driver did not seem seriously injured as they exited the vehicle and managed to repair the smoking Paragon R.

We felt these crazy set of circumstances was something right up our alley and wanted to share with our readers. We’re planning on covering weekly criminal short stories and hopefully we’ll be able to get more in depth interviews from both sides of the law, allowing people to see the perspective of both worlds.

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