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Spelling Bee Turned Killing Spree

Updated: Aug 17

Last night, a unique and spontaneous event was advertised on Twitter; a Spelling Bee with a prize of $150,000 for the lucky winner. Typically, we’re always up to date with upcoming events, but this contest seemed to be a spur of the moment idea. A member of our team, Dee Smith, was a participant in the event hosted at the San Andreas Library, sponsored by Bergowitz Backcountry Autos and The Department of Education*.

We set up inside, interviewed some of the contestants, and had a ball watching everyone giving their best shot at spelling random words chosen by the host of the event. Some contestants failed round one, others made it to round two, yet some couldn’t make it past round three when two contestants broke into fits of rage after failing to spell the word they were presented. It started as an argument between a grandfather and his grandson, the former disappointed and upset at his grandson for losing in the second round. The senior unexpectedly began to attack his grandson, punching and kicking him repeatedly until members of the crowd broke up the altercation. Even then, he seemed to be seething as he stormed out of the building before returning with a hatchet in hand to assault the event host vengefully, before being shot down and immobilized by an unnamed member of the crowd.

Our team recorded the entire situation and have uploaded it here to be viewed. As always, viewer discretion is advised:

Towards the end of the first clip, the sound of a second individual being stabbed in the back of the room is audible, though at the time we failed to notice it amidst the commotion involving the raging senior citizen. Said individual was later found to have been stabbed in the chest, subsequently bleeding out from their injuries and passing shortly after. Despite their best efforts, the medics’ attempts to resuscitate them were unsuccessful.

As if a rampaging grandfather and live murder taking place wasn’t enough, the event host was then brought in by newly inaugurated State Rep. Maxine Finch, the injured man’s face covered in what he claimed to be bleach. According to him, a contestant by the name of “Frank” had poured bleach over the event host after receiving news of his disqualification. Despite how the event was meant to be a battle of words, it ended with much bloodshed and violence instigated by individuals who seemed not to remember the popular saying that the pen is mightier than the sword.

As of this publication, there have been no leads on who stabbed the unfortunate and ignored individual in the back of the room, the identity of the proclaimed “Frank”, or the whereabouts of the elderly hatch-wielding gentleman as he seemed to have escaped the library without any medical attention and how he went unnoticed by authorities. If you or someone you know have any any information regarding the incident, please reach out to your local police station to report what you may have seen.

As this news article is graphic in nature, we will not be posting any ads to show respect to those injured or deceased.

*According to the events poster, this spelling bee was sponsored by The Dept. of Education. However, Maxine Finch made comment and expressed that she was never contacted for any such event, nor did she give permission.


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