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State Debate Notes (Totally not click bait)

Here’s me at the State Debate (Don’t worry I stayed within the 200 meter rule as agreed Government)

Maxine Finch never prepared for this debate and I’m not going to give my all so I’ll give my recollection of the events that folded at the Debate.

Met some nice fella who was Jogging around the Debate and he seemed kinda cool (He even allowed me to take nice selfie with him). I asked a question about the debate and me ‘n the nice fella both agreed that debates truly are boring and suck the life out of you.

Now if you think that I was just going to tell you about the Pics I took, no, no I also looked at some interesting facts about Sea Horses:

Sea Horses are infamously horrific swimmers (It is a horse). They are the slowest moving fish species of all fish, (They really was nerfed to shit). They are the slowest moving fish due to Seahorses having a small fin that goes forward and back 50 times a minute (Kinda fast) but due to the mere size of the fin it keeps it making much more progress.

Romance ISN’T DEAD!!! (For seahorses… God I miss her)

Seahorses once choosing a mate they’ll stick with each other for life (Why did she leave me). This allows the seahorse to pass through multiple breeding cycles.

Seahorses follow a strict diet and their goal is to continuously eat (I can relate myself).

Since they do not have teeth or a stomach like other marine life (Marine isn’t a soldier for those in the back of the class). They are carnivores who like to eat tiny fish and planktonic copepods.

Finally I sat down after a long day, listening to the debate and what the contestants were arguing about. Maxine Finch is confirmed Bald. (F.T., a Fossil. Myself and Willow Holloway).

Editor’s note from Mak Calhoun: Who the hell let this guy write an article.


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